SalesTaxDatabase is your accurate, and complete source of Sales Tax Data. Whether your company sells products or provides services, you can use our Sales Tax Database to ensure you are charging the correct sales tax. Our Sales Tax Database provides an extensive database of state and local sales tax rates updated monthly.

Frequently asked questions about

What is Sales Tax Software?

Today, there are many options for an e-commerce business to calculate and manage their sales tax. The most common way for an e-commerce business to calculate the tax is using a sales tax software. Sales Tax Software is now commonly used by most businesses to calculate the sales tax. This software can be found readily in most computer software stores. It is usually very easy to learn and use, and it will keep track of your sales tax obligations, as well as your customers' purchases. This software is a great choice for any business that sells products or services across state or country boundaries. Sales Tax Software can be expensive. Thousands of companies look to a sales tax database to get the correct data and make sure they are collecting taxes. If using sales tax software is out of your price range, look to acquiring the data for much less and using it to fulfill your tax responsibility.

Benefits of our Sales Tax Database?

Sales tax is a large and complex topic, and you may be wondering why you should invest in a sales tax database. There are two main reasons: compliance and business intelligence. Sales tax compliance means that you comply with the rules of each state, province and country that you do business in. As an example, you might have customers in Los Angeles, CA. To sell to them, you need to register for and charge the applicable taxes. If you don't comply with the rules, then you could have to pay back taxes, penalties and interest. Sales tax business intelligence gives you the power to make better business decisions. For example, if you are a business owner in Ontario, Canada, and you know what products you sell to customers in that province, then you can determine which products sell well there. That knowledge might lead you to spend more time and energy on those products, and less on others.