Zipcodedownload is a licensed partner of the USPS as well as a leading provider of Canada postal code and Mexico postal code data. Our zip code database products are updated monthly with fresh zip code data directly from the USPS. We enhance the official zip code data by adding information such as; area code, latitude and longitude coordinates, time zone, State & County FIPS, MSA Code and much more. Many of our competitors obtain their zip code database from third-party sources and update infrequently (if at all).

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Why Choose ZipCodeDownload ?

The Industry Leader Since 2002 We have been the leading Zip Code database provider since 2002 10,000's of companies trust our Zip Code database annually since 2002 We are a licensed distributor of the U.S. Postal Service ZIP code data Purchase monthly or annual updates - we update our data each month Immediate download upon purchase Real Time monthly updates - our competitors give you month old data - our data is the most recent and accurate data available We offer more data fields than our competitors at a lower price We are a U.S. company No seat licenses - download to as many computers as you need Multiple data formats - Excel, Access, CSV (comma delimited) We have been the industry leader for over 9 years Our customer support is the best on the web - call us and then try calling our competitors While many small zip code providers have come and gone and some claim to have been around for many years, Zipcodedownload has remained the trusted leader in the industry since 2002

Who are our customers?

At ZIP Code Download we work hard for your trust because we know how important our data is for your business. Our customers include thousands of large and small businesses, government agencies, and educational institutions and more than 60,000 satisfied customers world-wide.